Past Sessions

Below you’ll find links to the presentations and other resources for most of our past sessions.

Effective Git

Published on · 21 minutes read
Connect with Us! Join us on social media to stay in the loop, and learn about upcoming sessions and events. Effective Git Michael Connor Buchan [email protected] Basic git usage involves typing a few stock commands to “sync everyone up”. Many people who are frustrated with git become so because they never progress beyond this surface-level understanding of how it works. However, mastering git is easily worth your time. – Tips for a Disciplined Git Workflow - Drew DeVault

HTML Workshop

Published on · 18 minutes read
Introduction How Web Pages Work The internet and its world-wide web has had a profound impact on all of our lives. It has put an unimagineably large wealth of [mis]information at our fingertips, connected us to people on the other side of the plannet, and fundamentally changed how day-to-day business is conducted in the 21st century. But have you ever stopped to think about how your browser is able to show you a complex, feature rich, and eye-catching page, seemingly out of the ether?

Mastering the Unix Command Line

Published on · 19 minutes read
Unix? Unix is an operating system developed in the 1960s and 1970s at Bell Labs by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others. It was designed to be portable, multi-tasking, and multi-user, making it a powerful and flexible system. The impact that Unix has had on the computing industry simply cannot be overstated! It was the first operating system to be written in the C programming language, which was also developed at Bell Labs by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, it was widely adopted, forked 1, cloned, imitated 2, and extended upon, particularly in educational institutions, and many of its ideas have stood the test of time, and are still commonly used in software over 50 years after its conception!